Documentaire Tip

Releasedatum: 22 oktober 2007
Poet, performing artist and bandleader, journalist, broadcaster, record producer, educator and archivist, John Sinclair firest emerged out of his small-town Michigan background to forge a legendary course through the 1960s as a cultural activist, founder of the Detroit Artists Workshop, manager of MC5, and Chairman of the White Panther Party.
An early victim of the War on Drugs who faced 20 years to life in prison for giving two joints to an undercover policewoman, Sinclair mounted an historic challenge to the constitutionality of Michigan's marijuana laws.
20 TO LIFE is the real-life story of this legendary poet-provocateur and American cultural warrior whose exploits have reverberated throughout the international underground for 40 years. The story is told by Sinclair, his family, friends and associates through the years and highlighted by a series of electrifying poetry performances by Sinclair's contemporary blues and jazz emsembles.
With Appearances by:
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Documentaire Tip Archief