Documentaire Tip

Releasedatum: 9 januari 2006
The notorious society girls are back! Armed with twelve suitcases and three tiny dogs, the celebutantes are after the ultimate learning experience in The Simple Life Interns. This time, the dynamic duo swap private jets for a Greyhound bus and catch a ride from New York City as they head across America’s East Coast. With Tinkerbell, Honeychild and Foxy Cleopatra in tow the girls try their hands at a range of jobs from air stewardesses in Pennsylvania to weather girls in Maryland, and teach their bosses a few things while they’re at it! First stop for the girls is with their host family in New Jersey. After settling into their new home the girls change their fur collars for blue collars and head for the local Auto Body Shop to embark on a crash course (literally) in mechanics. Next up is Staten Island, where the girls put their unique stamp on a local advertising agency by updating the archaic system of sorting mail by recipient with filing by shape instead…with hilarious consequences, for the girls at least! Before they pack their Louis Vuitton briefcases and head for home, the girls make their final stop in Tennessee where they enter a beauty pageant and attempt some drilling and filling at a local dentist’s surgery... ouch!
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