Documentaire Tip

Waiting For Fidel (Full Frame) (Region 1) - Rubbo, Michael
Releasedatum: 26 oktober 2004
A young filmmaker travels to Cuba with the former premier of Newfoundland and a prominent Canadian broadcaster to make a film about Fidel Castro. In Havana, they are chauffeured around the country by important Cubans, who promise them access to Castro. Day after day, the hopeful party waits; but day after day, Fidel remains just out of reach... From filmmaker Michael Rubbo comes this landmark documentary about a party of Canadians determined to meet Fidel Castro. As Rubbo and his group visit schools, housing developments, and the infamous Bay of Pigs, they argue about politics, life, and the merits of their mission. Meanwhile, the Cuban leader remains ever elusive. More a personal journal than a fact-filled documentary, Waiting for Fidel records each step of this wayward quest to meet Castro, including the role of the filmmaker. Director Rubbo's decision to appear on-camera and interact with the participants went against documentary traditions, resulting in a freewheeling, groundbreaking film that has inspired fillmakers Michael Moore (Bowling for Columbine, Roger and Me) and Nick Broomfield (Biggie and Tupac). Waiting for Fidel offers a rare look at Cuba, a unique twist on the documentary format, and an entertaining chronicle of Rubbo's misadventure.

DVD Extra's:
Interview with Geoff Stirling, the Canadian millionaire traveling with the filmmaker's company, by Roger Maunder of the Nickel Film Festival. Video letter from director Michael Rubbo about the making of Waiting for Fidel.

€ 39.99

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